Package Anthem


class  AdRotator
 Displays an updatable advertisement banner on a web page. More...
class  BulletedList
 Creates an updatable control that generates a list of items in a bulletd format. More...
class  Button
 Displays an updatable push button control on the web page that uses callbacks. More...
class  Calendar
 Displays an updatable single-month calendar that allows the user to select dates and move to the next or previous month using callbacks. More...
class  CheckBox
 Displays an updatable check box that allows the user to select a true or false condition. Uses callbacks if AutoCallBack is true. More...
class  CheckBoxList
 Creates an updatable multi selection check box group that can be dynamically created by binding the control to a data source. Uses callbacks if AutoCallBack is true. More...
class  CompareValidator
 Creates an updatable control that compares the value entered by the user in an input control with the value entered in another input control, or with a constant value. More...
class  CustomValidator
 Creates an updatable control that performs user-defined validation on an input control. More...
class  DataGrid
 Creates an updatable data bound list control that displays the items from data source in a table. The DataGrid control allows you to select, sort, and edit these items using callbacks. More...
class  DataList
 An updatable data bound list control that displays items using templates. More...
class  Debugger
class  DetailsView
 Creates an updatable control that displays the values of a single record from a data source in a table, where each data row represents a field of the record. The DetailsView control allows you to edit, delete, and insert records using callbacks. More...
class  DropDownList
 Creates an updatable control that allows the user to select a single item from a drop-down list. More...
class  FileUpload
 Creates an updatable text box control and a browse button that allow users to select a file to upload to the server. More...
class  FormView
 Creates an updatable control that displays the values of a single record from a data source using user-defined templates. The FormView control allows you to edit, delete, and insert records using callbacks. More...
class  GridView
 Creates an updatable control that displays the values of a data source in a table where each column represents a field and each row represents a record. The GridView control allows you to select, sort, and edit these items using callbacks. More...
class  HiddenField
 Creates an updatable hidden field used to store a non-displayed value. More...
class  HyperLink
 Creates an updatable control that displays a link to another Web page. More...
interface  ICallBackContainerControl
 Controls that implement this interface act as a container for other controls that may generate postbacks. When AddCallBacks is true, this control will inject callbacks into all the child controls. More...
interface  ICallBackControl
 Controls that implement this interface will implement a callback for each supported event, unless EnableCallBack is false;. More...
class  Image
 Creates an updatable control that displays an image on a Web page. More...
class  ImageButton
 Creates an updatable control that displays an image and responds to mouse clicks on the image using callbacks. More...
interface  IUpdatableControl
 Controls that implement this interface can have their HTML updated on the client page after a call back returns. More...
class  Label
 Creates an updatable label control, which displays text on a Web page. More...
class  LinkButton
 Creates an updatable hyperlink-style button control on a Web page that responds to mouse clicks using callbacks. More...
class  ListBox
 Creates an updatable list box control that allows single or multiple item selection. More...
class  Manager
 The Manager class is responsible for managing all of the interaction between ASP.NET and the Anthem controls. More...
class  CallBackFilter
class  MethodAttribute
 Applying this attribute to your public methods makes it possible to invoke them from JavaScript in your client pages. More...
class  MultiView
 Creates an updatable control that acts as a container for a group of View controls. More...
class  Panel
 Creates an updatable control that acts as a container for other controls. More...
class  PlaceHolder
 Creates an updatable container for dynamically added server controls on the Web page. More...
class  RadioButton
 Creates an updatable radio button control. More...
class  RadioButtonList
 Creates an updatable list control that encapsulates a group of radio button controls. More...
class  RangeValidator
 Creates an updatable control that checks whether the value of an input control is within a specified range of values. More...
class  RegularExpressionValidator
 Creates an updatable control that validates whether the value of an associated input control matches the pattern specified by a regular expression. More...
class  Repeater
 An updatable data-bound list control that allows custom layout by repeating a specified template for each item displayed in the list. More...
class  RequiredFieldValidator
 Creates an updatable control that makes the associated input control a required field. More...
class  Table
 Creates an updatable table control. More...
class  TextBox
 Creates an updatable text box control for user input. More...
class  Timer
 Creates an updatable timer control. More...
class  ValidationSummary
 Creates an updatable control that displays a summary of all validation errors inline on a Web page, in a message box, or both. More...
class  View
 Represents a control that acts as a container for a group of controls within a MultiView control. More...
class  WebPartZone
 Creates an updatable control in the Web Parts control set for hosting WebPart controls on a Web page. More...

Generated on Wed Mar 14 23:50:39 2007 for Anthem by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1