00001 using System;
00002 using System.ComponentModel;
00003 using System.Drawing;
00004 using System.IO;
00005 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
00006 using System.Web;
00007 using System.Web.UI;
00008 using ASP = System.Web.UI.WebControls;
00014 namespace Anthem
00015 {
00019 [ToolboxBitmap(typeof(ASP.Calendar))]
00020 public class Calendar : ASP.Calendar, IUpdatableControl, ICallBackControl
00021 {
00022 #region Unique Anthem control code
00028 protected override void OnSelectionChanged()
00029 {
00030 base.OnSelectionChanged();
00031 UpdateAfterCallBack = true;
00032 }
00038 protected override void OnVisibleMonthChanged(DateTime newDate, DateTime previousDate)
00039 {
00040 base.OnVisibleMonthChanged(newDate, previousDate);
00041 UpdateAfterCallBack = true;
00042 }
00044 private const string parentTagName = "div";
00045 private Regex regex = new Regex("href=\"javascript:__doPostBack\\('(.*?)','(.*?)'\\)\"", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
00051 protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
00052 {
00053 #if !V2
00054 bool DesignMode = this.Context == null;
00055 #endif
00056 if (!DesignMode)
00057 {
00059 Anthem.Manager.WriteBeginControlMarker(writer, parentTagName, this);
00060 }
00061 if (Visible)
00062 {
00063 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
00064 HtmlTextWriter tw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
00065 base.Render(tw);
00066 string text = sw.ToString();
00067 if (this.EnableCallBack)
00068 {
00069 foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(text))
00070 {
00071 string newtext = string.Format(
00072 "onclick=\"Anthem_FireCallBackEvent(this,event,'{0}','{1}',false,'','','{2}',{3},{4},{5},{6},true,true);return false;\" ",
00073 match.Groups[1].Value.Replace('$', ':'),
00074 match.Groups[2].Value,
00075 HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(TextDuringCallBack),
00076 EnabledDuringCallBack ? "true" : "false",
00077 (PreCallBackFunction == null || PreCallBackFunction.Length == 0) ? "null" : PreCallBackFunction,
00078 (PostCallBackFunction == null || PostCallBackFunction.Length == 0) ? "null" : PostCallBackFunction,
00079 (CallBackCancelledFunction == null || CallBackCancelledFunction.Length == 0) ? "null" : CallBackCancelledFunction
00080 );
00081 text = text.Replace(match.Value, newtext + match.Value);
00082 }
00083 }
00084 writer.Write(text);
00085 }
00086 if (!DesignMode)
00087 {
00088 Anthem.Manager.WriteEndControlMarker(writer, parentTagName, this);
00089 }
00090 }
00092 #endregion
00094 #region ICallBackControl implementation
00100 [Category("Anthem")]
00101 [DefaultValue("")]
00102 [Description("The javascript function to call on the client if the callback is cancelled.")]
00103 public virtual string CallBackCancelledFunction
00104 {
00105 get
00106 {
00107 string text = (string)ViewState["CallBackCancelledFunction"];
00108 if (text == null)
00109 return string.Empty;
00110 else
00111 return text;
00112 }
00113 set
00114 {
00115 ViewState["CallBackCancelledFunction"] = value;
00116 }
00117 }
00126 [Category("Anthem")]
00127 [DefaultValue(true)]
00128 [Description("True if this control uses callbacks instead of postbacks to post data to the server.")]
00129 public virtual bool EnableCallBack
00130 {
00131 get
00132 {
00133 object obj = this.ViewState["EnableCallBack"];
00134 if (obj == null)
00135 return true;
00136 else
00137 return (bool)obj;
00138 }
00139 set
00140 {
00141 ViewState["EnableCallBack"] = value;
00142 }
00143 }
00153 [Category("Anthem")]
00154 [DefaultValue(true)]
00155 [Description("True if this control is enabled on the client during callbacks.")]
00156 public virtual bool EnabledDuringCallBack
00157 {
00158 get
00159 {
00160 object obj = this.ViewState["EnabledDuringCallBack"];
00161 if (obj == null)
00162 return true;
00163 else
00164 return (bool)obj;
00165 }
00166 set
00167 {
00168 ViewState["EnabledDuringCallBack"] = value;
00169 }
00170 }
00190 [Category("Anthem")]
00191 [DefaultValue("")]
00192 [Description("The javascript function to call on the client after the callback response is received.")]
00193 public virtual string PostCallBackFunction
00194 {
00195 get
00196 {
00197 string text = (string)this.ViewState["PostCallBackFunction"];
00198 if (text == null)
00199 {
00200 return string.Empty;
00201 }
00202 return text;
00203 }
00204 set
00205 {
00206 ViewState["PostCallBackFunction"] = value;
00207 }
00208 }
00215 [Category("Anthem")]
00216 [DefaultValue("")]
00217 [Description("The javascript function to call on the client before the callback is made.")]
00218 public virtual string PreCallBackFunction
00219 {
00220 get
00221 {
00222 string text = (string)this.ViewState["PreCallBackFunction"];
00223 if (text == null)
00224 {
00225 return string.Empty;
00226 }
00227 return text;
00228 }
00229 set
00230 {
00231 ViewState["PreCallBackFunction"] = value;
00232 }
00233 }
00243 [Category("Anthem")]
00244 [DefaultValue("")]
00245 [Description("The text to display during the callback.")]
00246 public virtual string TextDuringCallBack
00247 {
00248 get
00249 {
00250 string text = (string)this.ViewState["TextDuringCallBack"];
00251 if (text == null)
00252 {
00253 return string.Empty;
00254 }
00255 return text;
00256 }
00257 set
00258 {
00259 ViewState["TextDuringCallBack"] = value;
00260 }
00261 }
00263 #endregion
00265 #region IUpdatableControl implementation
00280 [Category("Anthem")]
00281 [DefaultValue(false)]
00282 [Description("True if this control should be updated after each callback.")]
00283 public virtual bool AutoUpdateAfterCallBack
00284 {
00285 get
00286 {
00287 object obj = this.ViewState["AutoUpdateAfterCallBack"];
00288 if (obj == null)
00289 return false;
00290 else
00291 return (bool)obj;
00292 }
00293 set
00294 {
00295 if (value) UpdateAfterCallBack = true;
00296 ViewState["AutoUpdateAfterCallBack"] = value;
00297 }
00298 }
00300 private bool _updateAfterCallBack = false;
00316 [Browsable(false)]
00317 [DefaultValue(false)]
00318 public virtual bool UpdateAfterCallBack
00319 {
00320 get { return _updateAfterCallBack; }
00321 set { _updateAfterCallBack = value; }
00322 }
00324 #endregion
00326 #region Common Anthem control code
00333 protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
00334 {
00335 base.OnLoad(e);
00336 Anthem.Manager.Register(this);
00337 }
00339 #if V2
00343 public override void RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer)
00344 {
00345 base.Visible = true;
00346 base.RenderControl(writer);
00347 }
00348 #endif
00357 public override bool Visible
00358 {
00359 get
00360 {
00361 #if !V2
00362 bool DesignMode = this.Context == null;
00363 #endif
00364 return Anthem.Manager.GetControlVisible(this, ViewState, DesignMode);
00365 }
00366 set { Anthem.Manager.SetControlVisible(ViewState, value); }
00367 }
00369 #endregion
00370 }
00371 }